Service and Assemblies

The following service and assembly works are offered by ZADCON:

Scraping of plain bearings

Alignment work on plant components

Adjustment of the axial movement of drums

Inspections with measuring of all diameters on the drums
relevant to the plant

Mechanical processing

New installations and assemblies

Turning and alignment of drive technology

Repairs of existing plants

Please refer to Service / Assemblies:
Tony Redlich
+49 340 50292539

Our Scope of Work

Take advantage of our know-how and use our posibilities!

machines, drafts, foundation drawing, assembly drawing, documentation

Procedural design / dimensioning

Rotary Kilns
direct: cement, lime, gypsum, gypsum sulfuric acid, clay, expanded clay, refractories, phosphate, zinc oxide, titanium oxide, aluminium oxide, aluminium hydroxide, siderite, kaolin-bauxite-compounds, aluminium calcination, recycling of zinc, recycling of asbestos concrete, clearing sludge, oil sludge, hazardous waste, activated carbon,
indirect: hydrofluoric acid, petrol coke

Pyrolysis Kilns
waste, torrefaction of biomass, scrap tyres, activated carbon, charcoal, miscellaneous

Rotary Dryers for Bulk Solids
direct current or counter current method

Direct Drying
rotary dryers with different built-in components bucket components, arch components, segment* components

Indirect Drying
Material and hot gas are seperated.

Indirect Drying
steam dryer

direct cooling, rotary cooler with different built-in components, indirect cooling using air or water in tube coolers or sectional coolers

Heat Exchangers / Preheaters
cyclone preheaters (multi-stage), shaft preheaters, flash dryers with or without impact reduction

Chambers for Sedimentation of Dust

Post-combustion Chambers

ZUS (ZADCON separator using recirculating air),
ZHZS (ZADCON high performance centrifugal separator)



Furnace Shells
carbon steel, stainless steel, refractory lining

loose, welded, screwed, toothed, forged or cast bandages

casting or steel constructions, bridgemountings, connections with clamps, pinions and shafts, bearings, sprocket protection, heat protection, base frames

main drives, main engines, base frames, heat protection, auxiliary drives, overrunning clutches, auxiliary engines, chain drives, friction wheel drives

with shrunked shafts, cast or forged, with rolling bearings, with anti-friction bearings, as a single bearing, as double bearing, base frames, heat protection

Pressure Trestle
stationary, single pressure trestle two rolls, longitudinal kiln guidance, Zwolf (parallelogram), electric, hydraulic, HDR, hydraulic unit, control unit box, base frame

Kiln Outlet Sections
plain, cooling section, disc outlet section, plain, for cooling section, with concrete attachment, outlet cooling section

Kiln Sealings
spring plate sealing, pneumatic sealing, pull-rope sealing

Kiln Inlets and Outlets
cavities, air cooled, water cooled, plain, lined, chutes, plain, water cooled

inlet casings, outlet casings, temporary casings

for gas inside plants

Brick Holding Rings
compensators, hot gas valves


Our experienced designers use CAD workstations and modern software to work on a broad range of problems like designing machines or different components, optimizing spare parts or different fields of research and development.


At ZADCON, our own experts work at procedural dimensioning of rotary machines and their accessories. Furthermore we work closely with the Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of the Otto von Guericke Universität in Magdeburg, and with Prof.Dr.-Ing. Specht and Jprof.Dr.-Ing. Herz in particular, and a number of other universities, colleges, research facilities and specialized companies.


ZADCON is not bound to any particular manufacturers, even though we work closely with several excellent partners, some of them near our headquarters. Because of our way of working, we have both: quality and short distances. Production control and inspection is being handled by our specialist engineers.


Our products are shipped worldwide and assembled locally by specialist installation companies.


Our support writes expertises for existing plants, replaces broken or wear parts and optimizes facilities. They also work at assembling our machines, and offer advice on questions concerning process engineering. Furthermore they are active around the world to support operators of plants, that have been built by ZAB Dessau.


We ship spare parts and constructional components for mechanical and systems engineering around the world. Spare parts include pinions, bearings, shafts, tyres, carrying rollers, girth gears and many more.